Capture the Flag - Full Gallery

Matte Painting, Lightbox Entertainment *share_icons*

I worked on remote for 8 months in this movie, doing illustrations and Matte Paintings, mostly over camera projections to improve and enrich a basic base render.


Two detail shots of a generic 360ยบ Matte Painting of space, original resolution is 16000 x 8000 pixels, 16bits.: Quick matte paintings studies for lighting department:

Camera Mappings

I worked on dozens of matte paintings over camera mappings, I show here some of them. Most are 3,000 px wide.

Click on the images to toggle with the original render.

The final version of this shot was at night:


Concept art for the ground: Posters for retirement center wall. These are mostly copies from actual photos --not using the photos, just copying them side by side, and doing some caricaturization and stylization: And these are posters for Mike"s room: